
Understanding Inflammation: Its Impact on Martial Arts Training and How to Manage It Jul 25, 2024

What is Inflammation?

Inflammation is a natural response of the body's immune system to injury or infection. It helps to protect and heal the body by increasing blood flow to the affected area, which brings immune cells to fight off pathogens and repair damaged tissues. However, when inflammation...

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The Power of Intellectual Humility: Developing Lifelong Growth through Martial Arts humility Jul 19, 2024

Intellectual humility is the recognition that our knowledge is limited and that we can learn from others. It's a crucial mindset for personal growth, enhancing our ability to listen, learn, and evolve. In our martial arts classes at Gibborrim Academy of Martial Arts, we emphasize intellectual...

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Should Women Over 40 Learn Kung Fu? Jul 12, 2024


As women over 40, embracing new challenges and prioritizing health and well-being become increasingly important. One powerful way to achieve this is by learning Wing Chun Kung Fu. This martial art offers numerous benefits that cater specifically to the needs and goals of women in this age...

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Are Most Self-Defense Courses Effective? Jul 04, 2024


The quality and effectiveness of self-defense courses can vary significantly. While many self-defense courses provide valuable skills and knowledge, some might not be as effective. Here are some key considerations to determine the quality of a self-defense course:

Indicators of...

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Wing Chun Kung Fu: Empowering Girls with Self-Defense and Confidence Jul 02, 2024

In a world where the importance of self-defense cannot be overstressed, Wing Chun Kung Fu emerges as a beacon of empowerment, especially for girls. This traditional Chinese martial art, known for its efficiency and practicality, is perfectly designed for girls, offering not just a means of...

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Empowerment and Equality: The Role of Wing Chun Kung Fu in Addressing Violence Against Women empowerment equality martialarts selfrepsect stopviolenceagainstwomen wingchun Jun 26, 2024

In the heart of our community at Gibborrim Academy of Martial Arts, we hold a profound belief in the transformative power of martial arts. Today, we delve into a pressing global issue: violence against women. This pervasive problem is not just about the acts of violence themselves but about the...

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Humility in Life and how to Remove Arrogance through Martial Arts humility Feb 28, 2024

A question I ask my students frequently is what does it humility mean? Whether adult or child, the student searches for the answer. This is a topic that's not talked about enough. 

I find myself prompting the student in their exploration of self-awareness. To get the mental juices flowing I...

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Harnessing the Power of Martial Arts: My Experience with Self-Defense Jan 30, 2024

In life, we often encounter situations where individuals attempt to test our limits, provoke us, and push us towards physical confrontations. However, these situations serve as tests not only for us but also for those seeking to exert power over others. As someone with extensive martial arts...

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The Moral Compass of Martial Arts: Finding True North moralcompass values Jan 09, 2024

When we think of a compass, we often envision a tool used for navigation and geographical orientation. However, there is another kind of compass that is not as well-known today - a moral compass. Just like a physical compass helps us find our way when technology fails, a moral compass guides us...

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Inner Door Students learn the Secrets YOU don’t! wing chun kung fu Oct 10, 2023

Learning a martial art, is a vast undertaking. For the martial arts movie action enthusiast, the concept of Inner Door Student sometimes referred to as Closed Door Student is a coveted title only bestowed to a select few students in a school.  We martial arts movie enthusiasts envision that...

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Top 5 Reasons People Don't Take Self-Defense Courses self-defense Aug 07, 2023

Violence exist everywhere. It will happen in your life at some point. You can be prepared, or not. The choice is yours. Even Disney has a death in every film. 


Rape, attempted rape, and assault happen every single day. One in 4 women and 1 in 26 men have experienced either a...

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Sport vs Application applied martial arts Jun 23, 2023

When the first Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) occurred in November 1993 it was advertised as no rules, but in fact there were just three. The three rules were no biting, no eye gouging, and no groin shots. These were the same rules in the Ancient Greek sport of Pankration. Today in the UFC...

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