About Us

The Gibborrim Academy of Martial Arts believes in teaching Wing Chun Kung Fu as the core of what our students learn to promote fitness, confidence, and self-defense.


Wing Chun Kung Fu is a system of self-defense created and taught in China over 300 years ago. The training methods we use are from Applied Wing Chun, the teachings of Duncan Leung a direct discipline of Ip Man. Wing Chun utilizes the structure of your body and angles to generate and move power that allows you to take advantage of an attacker.


Our Founder’s extensive background in martial arts brings over 20 years of experience teaching and training around the world. Our students learn Applied Wing Chun, and advanced concepts and principles from other systems to use opponents force against them, and to redirect their force elsewhere as the situation may dictate.

History of Wing Chun

History of Wing Chun as written by the late-Grandmaster Ip Man and passed to his discipline Duncan Leung.


Read the History

Grandmaster Ip Man

Ip Man became well known after several of his students, notably Bruce Lee spread Wing Chun around the World.

Ip Man learned Wing Chun system from Chan Wah Shan, a direct line from the original masters of the system.

Ip Man passed on his knowledge to many students, and a handful of disciples.

Si Tai Gung Duncan Leung

Duncan Shiu Hung Leung, is a formal disciple of the late Grandmaster Ip Man,

His knowledge and experienced spans over several decades, traveling the world and teaching Wing Chun in the way it was passed to him by Grandmaster Ip Man.

Applied Wing Chun is his interpretation of what was passed to him directly from Ip Man.

In 2014, Si Tai Gung Leung established the International Applied Wing Chun Federation, with a technical committee responsible for certifying members throughout the world as able to teach and pass on Applied Wing Chun.

SiGung Donald Presto

SiGung Donald Presto began his Wing Chun journey in 1984 at the age of 13 years old in Si Tai Gung’s Leung’s Applied Wing Chun School in Virginia Beach, CA.

By the age of 15 yo Donald Presto moved into the adult class, and has attended and assisted Si Tai Gung Leung in countless Wing Chun seminars around the world.

SiGung Presto continued to teach and train in Applied Wing Chun while serving on active duty in the U.S. Marine Corps. In 2014, he was one of the founding members of the International Applied Wing Chun Federation to preserve the history, and lessons passed on from Grandmaster Ip Man to Si Tai Gung Leung.

SiGung Presto a retired Marine Corps LtCol. created his Applied Wing Chun school in Temecula, CA to continue to teach his 35+ years of Applied Wing Chun Experience.

SiFu Ken Roberts

Sifu Roberts journey in Wing Chun Kung Fu began while stationed in Okinawa, Japan. At the time he was a senior enlisted U.S. Marine, and 2nd degree black belt martial arts instructor-trainer in the Marine Corps Martial Arts Program.

Having trained in may styles of Aikido, Krav Maga, Kickboxing, and Muay Thai, he came across Wing Chun in his research. Fortune smiled on him and he located a school in Okinawa that taught Wing Chun. It was under the instruction of a talented Italian man teaching Wing Chun as taught to him by Ip Man’s son, Ip Chun. The class however, was taught mostly in Japanese. SiFu Roberts’ Japanese at the time was conversational at best.

In 2012, SiFu Roberts met SiGung Donald Presto when he came in as a visiting instructor. Their paths crossed through martial arts, and SiGung Presto agreed to teach him Applied Wing Chun in return for teaching SiGung Presto advanced training in the Marine Corps Martial Arts.

SiFu Roberts trained with SiGung Presto while they were stationed together in Okinawa, then on frequent trips back to Okinawa when SiFu Roberts changed stations to Southern California. In 2014-2015, SiGung Presto relocated to SoCal, and SiFu Roberts resumed his training. We both retired from military service in 2017 to pursue higher education, and eventually formally open their own martial arts schools.

Sifu Roberts


Our Founder, Ken Roberts is a retired U.S. Marine who brings with him 20 years of teaching combative fighting and martial arts in the military.

His background in martial arts includes:

  • 20 years Combatives in the U.S. Marine Corps

  • 14 Years as a Martial Arts Instructor

  • 12 Years as Martial Arts Instructor Trainer

  • He held a 3rd Degree Black Belt in the Marine Corps’ Martial Arts Program (MCMAP) prior to retiring in 2017.

 His studies and influences in non-military martial arts includes:

  • Kickboxing
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